Rediscovering Snow December 2010
Talk about a dog getting excited! On December 26th, 2010, Charlotte, NC received about 4" of snow. This film shows the exuberant spirit of dear Nigel, who was thrilled to wake to a "frosty" new world. Having grown up in Michigan, then moving to Arizona, it would appear that Nigel missed the snow more than we knew! He could not get enough and kept asking to go back outside to repeat the fun. At nearly 13, even with a damaged ACL, he couldn't contain his excitement. After finishing her morning business, Divot called it a wrap, went back inside for breakfast and returned to her warm bed.
I beg your understanding for the poor film quality. The first part was filmed at 5:00AM., and thankfully Mike is just the kind of guy who is willing to run around on a cold dark morning with a video camera to capture an elderly little dog having fun in the snow. The video shot later in the day was shot by me from the front porch.