Sooner Norman Divot Nigel
Norwich Tales
These short tales (no pun intended) started it all!
In 2001 I launched the first version of the Norwich Tales website. I was so enthralled with my Norwich Terrier puppy Nigel, I just needed to share his quirks and antics with other Norwich Terrier enthusiasts!
These tales span Nigel's puppyhood to the introduction of Divot to our family, and even touch upon the bittersweet golden years. These tales describe the pain of loss in saying good-bye to my sweet Divot and Nigel and the introduction of Norman the Wonder Puppy, who helped heal our hearts and filled our home and hearts with the sweetness that only a puppy can bring. I'll introduce you to Sooner, who knew Norman before we did and how old housemates meet again.
Norwich Terrier Bios
Meet the Norwich Terriers behind Norwich Tales:
Ch. Ma-Ya Sarum Sooner or Later "Sooner"
Born 05/01/2011
Sooner is the newest member of the family, and came to us as a 6-year old adult. She is a very affectionate, attentive, high energy, and athletic girl, who has a high prey drive, and is always up for anything, whether we're going for a neighborhood walk, a hike in the woods, or playing with toys in the living room. She will play fetch as long as you are willing to throw a toy. Sooner is always happy – her tail never stops wagging. She is small and sassy and is the perfect mix of feisty terrier and loving lap dog.
Sarum's Stormin' Norman Chapter Two "Norman"
Born 03/06/2012
Norman will always be "Norman the Wonder Puppy" to us. He was the easiest puppy to raise and his charm continues to win over anyone he meets. Even people who don't consider themselves "dog people" can't help but love Norman. He is affectionate, very sweet, and a dog of wonderful medium energy. He loves long hikes in the woods or lying in a sun patch wherever he finds one. He loves everybody – nobody is a stranger to Norman. He goes to work with me as often as possible and is the official office therapy dog. He has been given the title, "Director of Wellness" because he makes everyone feel so happy and good. He has even managed to win over the office cat!
Ketka's Keleven Divot "Divot"
07/22/1998 – 01/03/2011
Divot was our first Norwich Terrier girl. She was petite, beautiful, and had a beautiful, expressive, sweet face and an equally sweet disposition. She came to us at the age of three and was my constant companion for nearly 10 years. She loved everyone, and everyone loved her. She began her life with us in Michigan, then moved with us to Sedona, AZ, Phoenix, AZ and finally to Charlotte, NC. She enjoyed long hikes amongst the red rocks of Sedona, and hiking in the mountains of Utah and Colorado. She didn't care where she was as long as she was with us. She died after a horrific seizure on January 2nd, 2011. Losing this sweet girl in such an awful way broke our hearts and it was my grief for her that was the catalyst for writing the book Norwich Tales – Life With Norwich Terriers.
Sho-Me Ketka's Nigel the Terror "Nigel
03/30/1998 – 06/15/2012
From the first time I saw my first Norwich Terrier, Ch. Chidley Willum The Conquerer, (1994 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Best In Show Winner), I needed to know more about this charming breed. After much research, attending dog shows, and speaking with breeders, we knew this was the breed for us. We decided on a breeder and waited impatiently on her waiting list. Finally we brought home our beautiful Norwich Terrier puppy, "Nigel." He was 13 weeks old, red, and full of energy and mischief. Nigel was a busy, incredibly smart problem solver, and loved everyone he met. I made every mistake possible with him, and from him, I learned a great deal about how to train and live with a dog. When we brought Divot home, he seemed to blossom. They were always together and genuinely seemed to love one another. He began to show signs of dementia around the age of 12, but when he lost his best friend Divot, the condition accelerated quickly and he seemed to give up. He died at the age of 14-1/2, 18 months after losing his best friend. The things I learned from Nigel were the foundation of the Norwich Tales website.